Something has been drawing me to the Orthodox Church lately. The history, authenticity, tradition, artwork, and mysticism feel so much more sacred and legitimate than other denominations. Catholicism is the only other church I would compare it to.
As I’ve mentioned, I have been going to multiple churches around town to find which one feels more like home. I’ve been to 2 different Catholic churches, 2 Episcopal churches, a Congregational Church, and an Evangelical service or 3.
Right now my stepdaughter is set on being baptized in the Episcopal church that she and her dad used to go to when she was a little younger. The people there are very friendly and we’ve been going steadily for the past month.
But I don’t feel done searching.
I preferred the Catholic church around the corner mostly because it feels more structured and authoritative and I loved that they have an established RCIA program that I thought I would go through to learn more about the church and the bible so that I could make my confirmation, which is one of the 7 Sacraments in the Catholic faith.
I grew up in the Catholic church and as a kid, I went to the catechism classes required to make my first communion but I refused to make my confirmation when the time came.
There were a few reasons for this: the hypocrisy I saw in people who claimed to be Christians, not feeling the presence of God during church like I did when in nature, learning about Wicca/witchcraft using the family computer, and my catechism teacher were not great. I don’t remember learning much or feeling moved at all. It felt made up and pointless.
Later I found more objectionable things in the church such as the abuse scandals. And the bible in general, was used by people with horrific views such as the Westboro Baptist Church.
I cherry-picked lines in the bible thinking that God condoned every action that was described in order to justify my leaving Christianity altogether. I thought anyone who believed any of it was just plain stupid or hateful. I dove into New Age ideas and focused on nature-based spirituality, yoga, meditation, and everything “self-help.”
When Mary Magdalene crossed paths with me in the New Age world, I began revisiting the religion I left, but with a hesitant and critical eye.
I was open to it because I was 40 and felt I hadn’t made much progress in my life. I had amazing experiences, learned from mistakes, dove into my shadow work like a good New Ager, solo-traveled the country, lived in permaculture ecovillages, worked at holistic retreat centers, and even went to an EDMR therapist (which did help me!). I felt good to finally settle down into family life too after traveling around for so long…
But I couldn’t help feeling that I was not getting anywhere.
I’ve always been someone who needs to continually, learn, grow, improve, and evolve.
I realized I couldn’t do it on my own.
I thought I had learned how to surrender to “Source,” a “Higher Power,” or “The Universe” but there was nothing really behind it. I didn’t know what I was surrendering to.
It was empty.
Long story short, Mary Magdalene brought me to Mother Mary. And Mother Mary brought me to Jesus.
After that, I began my search for the right church.
I decided Protestantism wasn’t for me so that only left the Catholic church, right?
Wait! There’s another original church?
Nope. I never heard of the Orthodox Christian Church before. I didn’t know that they are also part of the catholic and apostolic church. The more I looked into it, the more I saw that Orthodox may even be closer to the original church that Jesus founded.
I needed to experience it myself.
I searched Google Maps and found 3 Orthodox churches reasonably close to me.
I felt frustrated that because of my family obligations with the Episcopal church my stepdaughter is being baptized in I couldn’t go to their Sunday service called Matins & Divine Liturgy. I saw they also have Wednesday morning worship and Great Vespers on Saturday night so I decided to start with Wednesday.
Which is today!
This is the most beautiful church I have ever been in.
I have been to some beautiful Catholic churches but this took my breath away! Being there felt like stepping into another older sacred world. Pictures (not taken by me) do not do it justice. Everything was so ornate with deep, rich colors. There was low light, candles, and incense…
The artwork reached up into the dome in the ceiling with Jesus staring down at us. I wish I could have taken a thousand pictures but I didn’t want to be disrespectful.
I was warmly greeted by a woman named Maria and we talked for a few minutes as she explained that it would be a short 30-minute service but that she would like to introduce me to the priest afterward.
I was the only one in the pews but that was fine with me. Not many people go to church during the week anymore. It was a very meditative service. Maria and another man stood up front singing and chanting and the priest was in the center singing and chanting as well.
The whole service was in English. I know seekers can be apprehensive because some Orthodox churches conduct services in other languages. Even if they spoke Greek or Russian at this church, I’d go anyway.
It was short but I felt so connected to God there.
I am not used to that in church. The atmosphere, the harmonies, and the smell easily bring you into a sacred state.
I think I found the Church that evokes the magical feeling of awe and joy that comes from being close to God.
I know that may sound surface-level or selfish. But the more I feel truly connected, the more I will be able to live according to God because I will have Him in mind more often.
I also like that they haven’t changed with the times. It’s solid. So little is sturdy and timeless in the modern world so it is beyond refreshing to enter into a space created by tradition going back 2000 years.
I was introduced to Father Joshua after the service and he was very friendly. He explained the differences between all the services throughout the week and listened to my abbreviated religion/seeking story.
He told me there was no rush and he understood that I had family obligations but welcomed me to join them Saturday night for the Great Vespers service.
I am so excited!
Have you ever been to an Orthodox church before? If you have never attended one before I recommend it! What is your church experience? Have you chosen a denomination? What draws to a church? And what keeps you there?
Thank you for reading and I’ll update you soon!