Who is running the country right now?

Remember the panic that ensued after that early debate between Biden and Trump?

Remember how the entire world watched in shock that President Biden who is also campaigning to be Commander in Chief for 4 more years…can’t finish a sentence?

Remember how the main concern was figuring out who was going to replace him as the Democratic nominee?

Well, who is going to replace him as President of the United States?

I know the news cycle goes fast these days but geez… how did we skip over that important question?

Who is running the country?

For a long time, I figured that most presidents are preselected by the powers that be so that no matter who is allowed to be voted on is approved to do their bidding no matter who wins. So is it safe to assume “they” are just running the show now? I thought there would have been an official announcement or ceremony where Harris would have been made president to take over for Biden. If he isn’t well enough to be nominated then obviously he isn’t well enough to run the country.

But no one is talking about it.

The media isn’t reporting on it.

Why isn’t Harris the president right now?

What’s going on?!

Well, when I put this question out there I got called a “conspiracy theorist.”

As someone who thinks of herself as skeptical and hesitant to believe in conspiracies I was taken aback.

Doesn’t everyone know how corrupt the government is at this point?

Don’t we know that backroom deals are done daily in Congress?


Weapons contracts for illegitimate wars?

Are you not aware that our government has installed dictatorships in other countries to secure power and resources for the US?

Is there a word to describe when they put all kinds of things into a bill and then title it “Puppies for Everyone!” just to pass things through that they know people wouldn’t want?

Give me a break.

How can anyone put their trust in the government to do the right thing in a post-Covid world?

Aren’t you “woke?”

This person proceeded to tell me that there is nothing wrong with Biden and he only opted out of running for president in 2024 because it would be too difficult to run the country and campaign at the same time.

Well, yeah. It is difficult.

Many other presidents have done it successfully though. And that’s my point.

It’s too much for him because he can’t even do ONE of those things right now.

I do not think Biden can perform his duties as president. At the debate he was incoherent. He hasn’t made many media appearances recently and when he does he forgets what he’s talking about mid-sentence. He is ill. I would rather he spend more time on the beach and less in the Oval Office.

And I’m pretty sure that’s the case right now anyway, I’d just like someone to admit that other people are making the decisions.

I think there are 2 major reasons Kamala Harris hasn’t invoked the 25th Amendment. If she becomes the president now, then a lot of the excitement around her becoming the first female president is deflated for the election. Because to be honest, a lot of people are voting for her exclusively because she is a female of color.

The second bigger reason is that she doesn’t want to be associated with this administration.

At all.

She is desperately trying to distance herself from Biden because she doesn’t want to be blamed for the state of the country right now, especially during the campaign. She isn’t taking responsibility for anything and acting as if she isn’t even the vice president who has the power to do something about all this.

Where there is power and money there is corruption close behind.

No conspiracy needed.

Just human nature.


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